DO-254 Templates and Checklists

DO-254 Compliant Templates and Checklists Data Package

Developing PLDs (FPGAs, ASICs and CPLDs) for DO-254 compliance entails that applicants submit extensive professional documents and artifacts to the designated certification authority. It is the applicant’s responsibility to author and create the documents and review them with the highest scrutiny against a high-quality checklist.

Organizations new to DO-254 find it difficult to start a new DO-254 program without a baseline of the required documents and review checklists, and organizations experienced in DO-254 seek to improve their existing baselines due to lessons learned from previous programs. Aldec’s data package developed by an FAA Consultant DER through many years of auditing several DO-254 programs with design assurance level (DAL) A, B, C and D FPGAs provides significant value to both new and experienced DO-254 practitioners.



This data package includes 16 templates for creating documents categorized as Hardware Management Plans, Hardware Standards and Hardware Life Cycle Data. Specific sections required in a DO-254 project for PLDs are included in each template. There are also 5 templates (PHAC, HRD, HVVP and TCD) that include specific examples on how to word certain sections of the documents.

 DO-254 Template, do254, rtca do-254, do-254 compliance, do-254 certification, tool qualification process

Checklist Criteria

This package includes the criteria for performing reviews for compliance to hardware management plans in accordance with DO-254. These are the criteria used to create the review checklists used for verification activities that are typically referenced from the Hardware Verification Plan, Hardware Validation Plan, and/or Hardware Verification & Validation Standards. The complete set of review criteria includes:

Checklist Criteria, do254, rtca do-254, do-254 compliance, do-254 certification, tool qualification process

The checklists have a set of criteria to be applied in the review of DO-254 PLD hardware life cycle data and documents. These criteria are part of the hardware verification standards. Each criteria should be applied to the respective document or data. For instance, the “DO-254 PLD Plan for Hardware Aspects of Certification Review Criteria” is used to review a Plan for Hardware Aspects of Certification document.

For documents or data with multiple repeated elements, the criteria in the checklist should be applied to each element of the document. This should be done with the requirements, design, test cases, test benches, test procedures, and test results. In these cases, the criteria can be put in a table across the columns and the identifier of the review item listed in the rows.

The criteria are general and as complete as possible. Each project may have additional review criteria that can easily be added. Additional criteria can come from company standards, experience from other projects, ideas that arise during the course of a project, FAA Issue Papers, EASA CRIs, or criteria from other certification authorities.


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