Combining Code Coverage and FSM Graph in Riviera-PRO to extract FSM debug information


The following solution shows how to use code coverage and FSM Graph to extract the information to debug FSMs in design.

Code Coverage

Riviera-PRO provides support for various types of code coverage such as statement coverage, branch coverage, path coverage and expression/condition coverage.

To extract FSM debug data, design can combine information from Line, Branch and Expression coverages.


FSM Graph

While code coverage data shows the information about reset, states and FSM transition, still the details about state transition is required to fully debug the FSMs in the design.

FSM graph tool in Riviera-PRO shows the transitions among object states in graphical and tabular format. The object states and transitions are represented by circles and arrows, respectively on the FSM graph. The numbers displayed under the arrows show how many times the specified transitions occurred.

There are four kinds of states that are distinguished on a graph



This application note shows how combining code coverage with FSM graph can help debug FSMs in design.

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