Installing a new FLEXid=10 USB keylock and drivers

NOTE: For previous versions, please visit

If your Active-HDL, Riviera-PRO, ALINT, HES/DVM or Netlist Converter license is issued for a USB FLEXid keylock or dongle (license file contains reference to flexid=10 in the server line), installing the drivers may be necessary. Read Verifying Driver Installation below to check if you need to install the driver.

NOTE: USB FLEXid keylocks are labeled with a FLEXid number, in the format FLEXid=10-xxxxxxxx, where x is a hexadecimal number. The FLEXid=10 (WIBU) is blue, as shown below:

Figure 1. An USB keylock.


Active-HDL installation comes with the compatible FLEXid driver. The zip file containing the driver can be found by going to Active-HDL's install folder and then license/drivers.

The following table displays the downloads for the latest drivers, version 6.60. If you do not have the latest version of software, you may need to download an older version that's compatible. You can find older versions here under Licensing Software:

For example: for Active-HDL 15 users, the compatible version of the driver will be version 6.51, which can be found in 'Licensing Software' -> 11.16.5 through the aforementioned link.



Download Location

Red Hat®, CentOS, and SUSE® Linux 64-bit


Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit


NOTE: Please refer to fnpdig.pdf located under for installation instructions.


  1. Simply double-click Setup.exe and complete the wizard. All default settings and options are acceptable.


Follow one of below sections depending on the distribution in use:

Debian, Ubuntu

  1. sudo alien WkRt-Lin-6.60.4820-500.x86_64.rpm

  2. sudo dpkg -i wkrt-lin_6.60.4820-500_amd64.deb

RedHat, SUSE, CentOS

  1. rpm -i WkRt-Lin-6.60.4820-500.x86_64.rpm

Verifying Driver Installation

To verify the driver installation on Linux or Windows, invoke the lmutil program with the following parameters:

./lmutil lmhostid -flexid

If the driver is installed correctly you should see the message as shown below:

The FLEXlm host ID of this machine is "FLEXid=10-0bebc48a".

The lmutil tool can be found when you download the License Daemon that corresponds to your machine:



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