BDE format change: This file was created in a version later than 9.2.2499.4581.01 and it cannot be read in version 9.2.2499.4581.01


The Block Diagram Editor (BDE) has been updated starting with Active-HDL 9.2SP1. BDE files that are created in Active-HDL 9.2SP1 will not be able to open in previous versions of Active-HDL. When a user tries to open files created in Active-HDL 9.2SP1 in a previous version, he or she will receive the above error:

Figure 1: Opening a BDE file in a previous version of Active-HDL

Users will also receive a warning when trying to save a BDE file from a previous version of Active-HDL within Active-HDL 9.2SP1:

Figure 2: Saving a BDE file from a previous version of Active-HDL

For this warning, users have two options:

  1. Click OK which will save the BDE file to the new format for Active-HDL 9.2SP1

  2. Click Cancel to keep the file as it is

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