Tutorials Search in Resources Articles Manuals -OR- All Products Active-HDL Riviera-PRO ALINT-PRO HES-DVM HES Proto-AXI HES™ Boards RTAX/RTSX Adaptor Boards HES-DVM Proto Cloud Edition TySOM™ EDK Spec-TRACER DO-254/CTS All Documents Application Notes Manual Demonstration Videos FAQ Recorded Webinars Tutorials White Papers Technical Specification Case Studies All Categories Coverage 3rd Party Integration Design Entry, Documentation Simulation, Debugging Design Management, Libraries Advanced Verification Assertions and Functional Coverage RTL Simulation & Verification HDL Languages Encryption Military & Aerospace Verification Design Rule Checking Design Hardware Emulation Solutions Encryption Design HDL Languages RTL Simulation & Verification Assertions and Functional Coverage Advanced Verification Design Rule Checking Military & Aerospace Verification Hardware Emulation Solutions Tutorials Prototyping High-Level Synthesis Embedded Embedded Embedded High Performance Computer SoC & ASIC Prototyping Reset Results Name Products Type Action HES-DVM Proto CE (Cloud Edition) AMI 2.0.0 This document provides essential information on configuring and launching Aldec AMI and instructions of using Aldec HES-DVM Proto CE and Board Compiler. HES-DVM, HES-DVM Proto Cloud Edition Tutorials HES-DVM Proto CE Product Overview HES-DVM Proto CE is the cloud edition of Aldec's emulation and prototyping platform HES-DVM. The cloud edition is a response to the increasing demand of high-quality partitioning tools used to prepare the design prototype on multi-FPGA platforms. The cloud edition of HES-DVM is limited to prototyping flow and supports up to four (4) partitions that can be mapped to 4 high end Xilinx FPGAs (Virtex UltraScale, UltraScale+ or Virtex-7). HES-DVM, HES-DVM Proto Cloud Edition Tutorials 2 results