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HES-DVM Proto CE (Cloud Edition) AMI 2.0.0   
This document provides essential information on configuring and launching Aldec AMI and instructions of using Aldec HES-DVM Proto CE and Board Compiler.
HES-DVM, HES-DVM Proto Cloud Edition Tutorials
HES-DVM Proto CE Product Overview   
HES-DVM Proto CE is the cloud edition of Aldec's emulation and prototyping platform HES-DVM. The cloud edition is a response to the increasing demand of high-quality partitioning tools used to prepare the design prototype on multi-FPGA platforms. The cloud edition of HES-DVM is limited to prototyping flow and supports up to four (4) partitions that can be mapped to 4 high end Xilinx FPGAs (Virtex UltraScale, UltraScale+ or Virtex-7).
HES-DVM, HES-DVM Proto Cloud Edition Tutorials
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