Aldec Customer Testimonials


"We wanted a complete verification path with requirements traceability and simulation results maintenance to validate that our system would work on the final hardware we deliver to our customer."

- Eric Cardone, Program Manager at Thales Land & Joint Systems Division

About Thales

Thales is a global organization with operations on all continents serving five major markets, all of them of vital importance for our societies: aerospace, space, ground transportation, defence and security, and digital security.From the bottom of the ocean to the depth of space and cyberspace, Thales provides a unique range of technologies and services that make tomorrow possible, today.

Am Kiel-Kanal 3
24106 Kiel
Deutschland / Germany

Aldec Tools:


“As worldwide enforcement of the DO-254 standard grows, Thales has taken a leadership role in the avionics industry by adopting the standard within its airborne electronic hardware systems, "Aldec’s DO-254/ED-80 CTS In-Hardware FPGA validation system, along with Altera’s design flow and Cyclone II FPGAs, allow Thales to have an end to end solution that addresses DO-254 certification requirements. Altera and its DO-254 Global Partner Network, including Aldec, recognize the importance of providing companies like Thales a comprehensive DO-254 environment which will save them a significant amount of engineering time and development costs.”


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