Riviera-PRO Configurations

Marketing Features LV *LVT *LVT-SV **
Supported Standards
VHDL IEEE 1076 (1993, 2002, 2008 and 2019)
ALDEC simulators provide comprehensive support of the IEEE 1076-1993 Standard, IEEE 1076™-2002 VHDL standard and majority of just published IEEE 1076™-2008 Standard.More >>
Verilog® HDL IEEE 1364 (1995, 2001 and 2005)
ALDEC simulators provide full support of the IEEE 1364-2005 Standard. To enable simulation of a large variety of Verilog designs, both legacy and new, ALDEC simulators can be set to work in Verilog ’95, 2001 and 2005 modes.More >>
SystemVerilog IEEE 1800 - 2012 (Design)
SystemVerilog is a set of extensions to the Verilog HDL that allow higher level of modeling and efficient verification of large digital systems.More >>
SystemC™ 2.3.1 IEEE 1666™/TLM 2.0
SystemC is a C library that extends C to enable hardware modeling. Although strictly a C class library, SystemC is sometimes viewed as being a language in its own rightMore >>
SystemVerilog IEEE 1800™ (2005, 2009 and 2012) - Verification
Riviera-PRO supports SystemVerilog (IEEE Std. 1800™-2012) in three areas: hardware description extensions, assertions and advanced verification.More >>
Verification Libraries (OSVVM, UVVM, cocotb)
Verification Libraries (OSVVM, UVVM, cocotb)More >>
IP-XACT IEEE 1685 (2009 and 2014) as a UVM register generator input
The IP-XACT format is widely used for easier packaging and reusing IPs.More >>
Universal Verification Methodology (UVM)
Universal Verification Methodology (UVM)More >>
Design Entry and Design Management
HDL and Text Editor
The HDL Editor is a text editor designed for editing an HDL source code. It is tightly integrated with the compiler and simulator to enable debugging capabilities.More >>
UVM Generator & Register Model Generator
UVM Generator: The UVM Generator is a tool that helps create a new UVM environment. Register Model Generator: Register generator is a command line tool allowing the user to generate register models automatically for design and verification purposes.More >>
Auto-Complete and Code Templates
The HDL Editor allows using code autocomplete for all the languages supported by Riviera-PRO. More >>
Automatic Code Analysis
Riviera-PRO’s HDL Editor performs an automatic on-the-fly analysis while source code is being edited:More >>
Design Manager
The Design Manager is a tool that allows you to view and manage workspaces, attached designs and their resources like HDL source files, waveform files, macros, code coverage and profiler results with a single mouse click.More >>
Customizable GUI Perspectives
With large number of windows available in Riviera-PRO, keeping all of them open simultaneously is not feasible and frequent reconfiguring of GUI is tedious.More >>
Task Management
Riviera-PRO enables project task management based on the Tasks window. The window is an easy to use tool which represents current list of tasks assigned within a project.More >>
Macro, Tcl, Perl script support
Aldec simulators support several scripting methods varying in the level of abstraction and possible applications. More >>
Debug and Analysis
Advanced Breakpoint Management
Simulations can be stopped on a breakpoint. Aldec supports both breakpoints in the source code as well as signal breakpoints.More >>
Interactive Code Execution Tracing
Stepping through source code is one of the most common debugging procedures. Stepping is executing code one line at a timeMore >>
Accelerated Waveform Viewer (ASDB) for Riviera-PRO
The Accelerated Waveform Viewer is a high performance tool for graphical presentation of simulation data stored in a binary simulation database (*.asdb).More >>
Hierarchical References to/from VHDL (Signal Agent)
The Signal Agent in VHDL allows monitoring and driving VHDL signals from any VHDL block.More >>
Post Simulation Debug
Post Simulation Debug is an advanced feature that allows users to observe the simulation results after the simulation has been finished.More >>
Multiple Waveform Windows
In large designs where multiple signals must be observed during simulation, keeping them in one waveform window is inconvenient: since all signals cannot fit in one window, frequent scrolling is required to get to the desired waveform data.More >>
Waveform Comparison
The Compare Waveforms option compares waveforms displayed in the Waveform window with pattern waveforms from a specific waveform file.More >>
Memory Viewer
The Memory Viewer is a debugging tool that has been designed to display memory objects defined in an active design.More >>
Plot Window
Plot window is a debugging tool that visually represents large arrays of data. It support four different plot types and enables HDL design and verification engineers to not only visualize large data sets but also visualize and analyze relations between any objects in their design with no additional programming required.More >>
Image Viewer
Image windows is a debugging tool that displays image stored in a memory-like simulation object (Image) or visualizes simulation object values by a color (Color Map).More >>
FSM debug
FSM window is debugging tool that allows observing finite state machine operations. This tool generates a transition graph of any simulation object and shows transitions among object states (or signal values). More >>
Classes Window
The Classes window is a debugging tool that presents SystemVerilog classes in the form of a hierarchical tree view.More >>
Integrated Source Level C/SystemC Debugger
Riviera-PRO allows simultaneous and seamless debugging of pure SystemC designs and mixed HDL-SystemC in a single environment.More >>
Assertions Debugging
Design and verification engineers who implemented assertions and covers in their project can observe their behavior during regular simulation and debugging in multiple windows.More >>
Synopsys® (formerly SpringSoft) Verdi™ FSDB Interface
Riviera-PRO output FSDB files that work with Synopsys (formely SpringSoft) Verdi and legacy Debussy debuggers. Riviera-PRO work with Synopsys products in post-processing mode(PSD).More >>
X-Trace helps you quickly identify the cause of unexpected values by reporting information on changes from valid to unknown, uninitialized, or user-defined values in the simulated model.More >>
The Dataflow window is a powerful tool that allows designers to explore the connectivity of an active design and analyze dataflow among instances, concurrent statements, signals, nets, and registers during simulation.More >>
UVM Graph & Toolbox
UVM Graph is a tool that presents architecture of the UVM-based testbenches in a graphical format.More >>
Single or Mixed Language
Most ALDEC simulator configurations support mixed (VHDL and Verilog) designs, but single language (VHDL-only or Verilog-only) configurations are also available.More >>
Verilog Programming Language Interface (PLI/VPI)
The Verilog PLI (Programming Language Interface) and VPI (Verilog Procedural Interface) provide a standard mechanism to access and modify data in a simulated Verilog model.More >>
VHDL Programming Language Interface (VHPI)
The VHPI interface provides a standard means to access data in VHDL models elaborated in Active-HDL and Riviera-PRO.More >>
SystemVerilog IEEE 1800 DPI 2.0
DPI, or the Direct Programming Interface, is the next generation interface between SystemVerilog code and foreign C/C++ code.More >>
Value Change Dump (VCD and Extended VCD) Support
The VCD (Value Change Dump) file format is specified in the IEEE Std. 1364-1995 standard. The VCD file is an ASCII file containing header information, variable definitions, and variable value changes.More >>
Incremental Compilation
With incremental compilation, small change in one of many design sources does not require recompilation of the entire design. Compilers working in incremental mode can ignore not only files that were not changed, but also areas of larger files that were not modified.More >>
Multi-Threaded Compilation
Compilers can utilize newer workstations with multiple processors/processor cores to simultaneously translate different parts of the design, significantly reducing compilation times.More >>
Simulation Model Protection
Library protection offers four security levels when compiled models are distributed in the form of library files without releasing their source code.More >>
IEEE 1735™ Interoperable Encryption
IEEE 1735™ Interoperable EncryptionMore >>
VHDL IEEE 1076™-2008 Encryption
Using standard design source encryption is a much easier form of managing IP creation and delivery than any kind of binary file encryption. Riviera-PRO supports standard methodology introduced in IEEE Std. 1076-2008. More >>
Verilog® IEEE 1364™-2005 Encryption
Using standard design source encryption is a much easier form of managing IP creation and delivery than any kind of binary file encryption. Riviera-PRO supports standard methodology introduced in IEEE Std. 1364-2005. More >>
Xilinx® ISE SecureIP Support
Aldec simulators support the SecureIP methodology of IP delivery implemented in Xilinx tools.More >>
Option (VHDL Only)yesyes
64-Bit Simulation
The ability for the simulator to run at 64-bit bus throughput application speeds and utilize extended memory. (Not applicable on Riviera-PRO LV).More >>
Simulation Performance Optimization (Verilog/SystemVerilog, VHDL)
The Verilog RTL & Gate performance optimizer accelerates simulation of all types of Verilog designs, including designs with timing, gate-level designs, and designs with predominantly behavioral code. More >>
Dynamic Object Tracing
Dynamic Object Tracing refers to advanced capability of Riviera-PRO framework that enables representing SystemVerilog class objects in Waveform Viewer. More >>
Transaction-Level Visual Debugging
Transaction-Level Visual Debugging refers to advanced capability of the Waveform Viewer that enables representing simulation data at a higher level of abstraction. More >>
Profiler (Performance Metrics)
The Profiler identifies design units or code sections that put the greatest strain on the simulator. This information is valuable for optimizing the simulation environment and improving performance.More >>
SFM (Server Farm Manager)
Due to the complexity of contemporary designs, there is a need for extensive testing of new products. Server Farm Manager (SFM) shifts the regression paradigm and provides not only simulation technology but also a tool for automatic management of thousands of parallel simulations. More >>
Option 2Option 2yes
Hardware Assisted Verification (Acceleration and Emulation)
Acceleration speeds up verification by co-simulating HDL code and portions of the design pushed into hardware (mainly well tested blocks or IP blocks). Emulation allows in-hardware simulation and extensive debugging of large systems that will eventually work on different platform.More >>
Option 3Option 3Option 3
Assertions and Coverage Tools
Code Coverage(Statement, Branch, Expression, Condition, Path, FSM), Toggle Coverage, and Functional Coverage (OSVVM) + New UCIS-compatible Aldec Coverage Database
Code Coverage is a debugging tool that aids the verification process.More >>
PSL IEEE 1850, SystemVerilog IEEE 1800™
Specification of properties and their use in assertions and functional coverage is the essential element of designing modern systems and their verification algorithms.More >>
Functional Coverage (Covergroup)
Functional Coverage can provide information about the quality of the design verification process.More >>
Co-Simulation Interfaces
Keysight SystemVue® (formerly Agilent Test and Measurement)
Keysight SystemVue co-simulation interface reduces development time and effort by enabling continuous test verification through the system and hardware development process.More >>
MathWorks Simulink®
The Simulink Interface simplifies verification of hardware designs by providing robust visualization and analysis toolsets.More >>
MathWorks MATLAB®
Aldec simulators integrate The MathWorks' intuitive MATLAB language and a technical computing environment.More >>
Aldec QEMU Bridge (Linux Only)
Aldec QEMU Bridge it is transaction accurate bridge that allows full SoC co-simulation between the Programmable Logic (PL) system and Processing System (PS)More >>
Design Rule Checking
ALINT-PRO with Basic Rule Library
Aldec® ALINT-PRO™ is a design verification solution for RTL code written in VHDL, Verilog, and SystemVerilog. The solution performs static analysis based on RTL and SDC™ source files uncovering critical design issues early in the design cycle.More >>
Option 4yesyes
DO-254 Verilog or VHDL Rule Library
Set of rules that should be used to improve design compliance with DO-254.More >>
Option 4Option 4Option 4
Aldec Premium Rule Library (VHDL and Verilog)
Dual-language rule library driven by customer requests.More >>
Option 4Option 4Option 4
Aldec SystemVerilog Rule Library
Rules for SystemVerilog RTL design subset that cover new varieties of harmful RTL defects related to new language constructs.More >>
Option 4Option 4Option 4
Aldec CDC Rule Library (VHDL and Verilog)
Language-independent rules for CDC and RDC verification aimed to avoid metastability issues in complex designs.More >>
Option 4Option 4Option 4
STARC Verilog or VHDL Rule Library
The most comprehensive rule library covering large variety of topics.More >>
Option 4Option 4Option 4
RMM Rule Library (VHDL and Verilog)
Dual-language rule library automates the methodology for effective design reuse and verification.More >>
Option 4Option 4Option 4
Floating License
The network floating configuration (multiple users) is based on a license started on a remote machine (license server) running on the Windows or Linux platform.More >>
One Year Time Based License
One Year Time Based License (TBL) grants a designer a license to use the product for a period of one year. A 1 year support contract is included with the purchase of TBL license.More >>
Perpetual License
A perpetual license is a license with no expiration date. A 1 year support contract is included with the purchase of perpetual license.More >>
Supported Platforms
Linux® (64-Bit)
Linux x86/x86_64 support.More >>
Windows® 11/10/Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012 (64-Bit)
Builds are tested on all the latest platforms to ensure correct operation on users' workstations.More >>
* -

configurations are avaiable with VHDL-only, Verilog-Only and Dual-Language Favors

** -

configuration is avaiable with Verlog/SystemVerilog Only and Dual-Language Favors

Option 2 - Server Farm Manager is a separate Aldec product
Option 3 - Hardware Assisted Verification is a separate Aldec product - HES
Option 4 -

ALINT-PRO™ is a separate Aldec product; each of extra rule libraries requires separate license part

Printed version of site: support.aldec.com/en/products/functional_verification/riviera-pro/configuration