White Papers Search in Resources Articles Manuals -OR- All Products Active-HDL Riviera-PRO ALINT-PRO HES-DVM HES Proto-AXI HES™ Boards RTAX/RTSX Adaptor Boards HES-DVM Proto Cloud Edition TySOM™ EDK Spec-TRACER DO-254/CTS All Documents アプリケーションノート マニュアル デモンストレーションビデオ FAQ ウェブセミナーの録画 チュートリアル ホワイトペーパー Technical Specification Case Studies All Categories 3rd Party Integration Design Entry, Documentation Simulation, Debugging Design Management, Libraries Advanced Verification Assertions and Functional Coverage RTL Simulation & Verification HDL Languages Encryption Military & Aerospace Verification Design Rule Checking Design Hardware Emulation Solutions Encryption Design HDL Languages RTL Simulation & Verification Assertions and Functional Coverage Advanced Verification Design Rule Checking Military & Aerospace Verification Hardware Emulation Solutions Prototyping High-Level Synthesis Embedded Embedded Embedded High Performance Computer SoC & ASIC Prototyping カバレッジ チュートリアル リセット Results Name Products Type Action Scaling an IoT network with Aldec Gateway and Amazon AWS Cloud This whitepaper describes how to use Aldec TySOM board as an IoT gateway and build the scalable network with the usage of Amazon AWS Cloud service. TySOM™ EDK ホワイトペーパー Xilinx Zynq-based Development Platform for ADAS ADAS is an essential step between initial DA (Driver Assistance) systems and fully autonomous cars capable of driving without human guidance. Aldec provides an FPGA-based development platform powered by Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC/FPGA heterogeneous technology, as well as a set of ADAS-class reference designs for rapid development of current and next-generation ADAS solutions for the automotive market. Riviera-PRO, TySOM™ EDK ホワイトペーパー 2 results