Play WebinarTitle: How to enforce HDL coding standards and gain the overall design review to meet DO-254 objectivesDescription: The RTCA/DO-254 guidance recommends applicants to define and enforce HDL coding standards. The task starts at the planning process including standard definition, a method how it will be enforced, and in case the process will be automated, how the tool or results will be assessed. Defining the coding standard is not a trivial task since there is no well-defined and official standard mentioned in the RTCA/DO-254 guidance document. The major question is how a detailed review of the HDL code must be done? Is it enough to enforce the minimum number of well-known best coding practices or we should go deeper into the synthesis phase, design constraints and even clock domain crossing analysis? Such a decision must be made with awareness that the coding standard is not the only DO-254 objective related to the design review. During this webinar we will show the benefits of using ALINT-PRO™ to enforce the coding standard and to streamline the overall design review to meet DO-254 objectives. Signing up for an account is easy. With an Aldec account you'll have easy, one-click access to event registration, support, product downloads, evaluation licenses, recorded webinars, white papers, application notes and other resources. Simply provide your corporate e-mail address below - all account requests are verified and confirmed within 48 hours. If you already have an Aldec account, please Sign In below to download the file. 登録 サイン・イン