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Jan 23, 2025 Mastering SoC Design and Verification for DO-254 Compliance – Balancing Complexity and Safety

Time: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM (PST)



System on Chip (SoC) devices are transforming the landscape of advanced aviation systems, offering unparalleled integration of multiple functionalities within a single chip. These compact powerhouses bring numerous advantages, from reduced power consumption to enhanced performance. Yet, their inherent complexity introduces unique safety assurance challenges that must be addressed to meet DO-254 standards.


Join this co-webinar with friends and partners, Consunova, to dive deep into the role of SoC devices in aviation, where we’ll discuss the benefits, challenges, and critical considerations for successful implementation. We’ll cover various SoC architectures, their safety implications, and practical strategies for design and verification to ensure compliance. Gain insights into applicable certification guidance for both hardware and software, along with best practices for overcoming development and verification hurdles.


  • Understanding SoC
    • What is an SoC, and why is it used?
    • Typical architectures and components (IPs)
  • Navigating Certification
    • Relevant hardware and software guidance
    • Development and verification issues
  • Ensuring Compliance
    • Integration strategies to meet DO-254 standards


Webinar Duration:

  • 45 min presentation
  • 15 min Q&A


Presenter BIO

Martin Beeby, Head of Advanced Avionics Systems and Managing Director of ConsuNova EU

Martin Beeby is the Head of Advanced Avionics Systems and Managing Director of ConsuNova EU. With over 35 years of experience in the development of avionics Systems, Hardware and Software, Martin has a wealth of certification experience with systems ranging from DAL-A to DAL-D. Martin is, and has been, also an active contributor to many industry standard working groups developing new guidance for avionics development and is an active CVE on a number of different programs in Europe.


Janusz Kitel , DO-254 program manager at Aldec

Janusz Kitel is the DO-254 program manager at Aldec with over 18 years of experience in software and hardware design and verification. He has developed expertise in DO-254 compliance for over 10 years, ensuring Aldec products meet aerospace regulations and supporting customers with their tooling challenges in AEH projects.

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